Vote for Golden Beginnings as America's Best Shelter and help them win a $10,000 donation. This group of dedicated volunteers have spent countless hours rescuing golden retrievers and helping them find wonderful forever homes.
I am a Golden Beginnings Adoptee. Three of my dogs, Chief, Abbey, and now Cami have been rescued by this group. Chief, once surrendered by his owners, is now a national award winning dog in Animal Assisted Therapy. Abbey, a personal pet, was adopted after her mother, Elsa, gave birth to 15 puppies after being dumped on someone's doorstep. Cami, my newest addition, was a hurricane Ike survivor. And these success stories are directly due to the unwaivering dedication of these volunteers who just want to give these dogs a new leash on life.
Vote for them today!! Your vote could help thousands more dogs be rescued and placed in their forever homes.
Thank you for your support!!
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