Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Leya and Chief Play Ball

Leya enjoys watching Chief chase toys, so we've used this while at the same time, targeting other goals for therapy. In physical therapy, Leya is working on strengthening activities and postural control. In this video, she is using her gait trainer to increase weight bearing to her lower extremities while she uses her communication device to indicate her needs. For occupational therapy, I am wanting her to actively move her upper extremities to use her device or indicate with her hands her choices. She uses some simple signs, such as "more" and "all done" to indicate her needs. Both of these signs require the use of both hands, so we are also addressing bilateral coordination.

What is not shown in this video (because the photographer--me--forgot the camera during one of her BEST therapy sessions) was Leya doing some AMAZING things while watching Chief. Below is a synopsis of that remarkable session.

Leya has been having months of therapy sessions where she is more focused on her mother than playing, so getting her to actively participate in her session has been HARD! But this session with Chief was the exception. She tolerated being placed on her stomach over a bolster for 10 minutes (before she wouldn't tolerate a minute of this). She also wanted to see Chief jump over his obstacle course jump. When I asked her if she wanted to see him jump low or high (and I gestured for low and high), she raised BOTH arms way above her head to indicate high--a FIRST during our sessions. Then, when she was ready, she used her communication device accurately to tell us "do a trick please". Lastly, she didn't shed one tear the entire session. She was laughing and carrying on in such an amazing way. Meanwhile, Chief's poor tongue was hanging out because he was tired from jumping so many times!!

That, folks, is the impact of AAT on these children's lives.


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